More women than ever before are enjoying the world of motorcycling either as a rider or pillion. Ladies of Harley was established to help women become more active members of HOG and local Chapters.
You must be a member of HOG to be affiliated with Ladies of Harley. Although LOH is free of charge to active HOG members, Ladies of Harley affiliation is not automatic. If you would like to join, simply contact the national HOG office.
Ladies of Harley offers members a special embroidered patch and pin during the first year of membership, and each renewal year, LOH members receive an LOH pin indicating the year of membership.
Ladies of Harley is an additional benefit to better serve member’s needs , a “welcoming committee” for new members to feel at home in their new endeavour. While the LOH officer and members of LOH can organize events that may be more appealing to women. ALL members of the chapter must be welcome to participate.
Contact our LOH officer over at the Contact us section of the website.