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New Member Application

Please be aware that to apply for membership of Sherwood Chapter, it is a requirement that you are a current member of H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group), which will be checked by us before any new application or renewal is accepted.  If your H.O.G. membership expires, and is not renewed, then your membership of Sherwood Chapter also expires, at which point your email address will be removed from the chapter distribution list.

Full details of the types of H.O.G. membership available, together with subscription rates can be found at .

Membership of Sherwood Chapter is annual, with renewal running from the 1st January each year.  New members joining throughout the year will be subject to a sliding scale subscription, as shown on the application form, depending upon the month of application.  A ‘New Members’ application form can be downloaded here – New Members Application Form.

Once the application form is completed, the following options are possible:

  1. Post the completed application form and cheque, made payable to Sherwood HOG, to the Membership Officer (address is on the application form).
  2. Post the completed application form to the Membership Officer and pay by BACS (details on the application form).
  3. Scan the completed application form, send it to the Membership Officer as an email attachment ( ), and pay by BACS.
  4. Hand in a completed application form to the Membership Officer at a Chapter meeting, together with a cheque or cash.

Once the membership Officer has processed your application, a membership card for that year, a small Sherwood Chapter rocker and a ‘Rob the Rocker’ pin will be sent to you.  When you receive the pack, you will then be entitled to join the Sherwood Chapter Members Only Facebook Group.

Each member of Sherwood Chapter may invite a guest member, who does not require H.O.G. or Sherwood Chapter membership, to any Sherwood Chapter event.  In doing so, the member accepts full responsibility for the conduct of their guest at the event.

Renewal Application

Towards the end of November, members will receive a Membership Renewal form, as an email attachment (post for those without an email address), containing their details as held in the Sherwood Chapter database.  Please check that this information is up to date.  The form can be returned, with the appropriate subscription, to the Membership Officer using any of the options listed above.  If, for any reason, this form is lost, a blank renewal form can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Information on the Sherwood Chapter database will only be used for Sherwood Chapter and sponsoring dealer (Robin Hood Harley-Davidson) mailings.

If you have a question or require further guidance on how to become a Sherwood Chapter member, please do not hesitate to contact the Membership Officer


C/O Robin Hood Harley-Davidson
Meadow Lane




Copyright © 2023 SHERWOOD CHAPTER. All Rights Reserved.

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